Sumitacharya Ji Maharaj is a Hindu Spiritual Guru, a social media influencer a kathavachak and an astrologer. He got nominated for India’s third highest civilian award Padma Bhushan in Trade and Industry in 2021. And also got nominated for Padma Shri in science and technology in 2022.
Sumitacharya Ji Maharaj comes from a Sakaldwipik Brahmin family (Ascendants of Surya Dev) and from birth he learnt astrology, tantra, spirituality and Sadhnas from his family. From his fore fathers he received the power of giving “Daiva Aashirvaad” that can magically heal people.
During his formal education, Shri Sumitacharya Ji Maharaj once became a non believer of spiritual world and started seeking science behind hindu practices. But as soon he finds the source of all sciences in Hindu religious texts, and when his all questions were answered by his Guru Shri Awadh Kishor Mishra, he becomes a disciple of Shiva. His material seeking came to an end and spiritual seeking began.
Sumitacharya Ji’s Early Life
In his spiritual journey, he had many near God experiences. Shri Sumitacharya Ji Maharaj had a major life changing incident happened to him in Varanasi where he comes to to seek Shiva. And there at Manikarnika Ghat, he got drowned in Ganga. In the river he remained unconscious for a while and suddenly he felt some divine hand pushed his feet up. His lifeless body became alive and he swam back. Life sprouted back into him but the old Sumit was gone. He experienced God and got enlightened.
Ganga Maa cleansed him from Maya and connected him back to divine. Gurudev is a strong devotee of Shiva and he has done many sadhnas and siddhis. Apart from spiritual works, his contributions towards science and innovations are also commendable.
In his early school days he attempted to make a water fuelled car and a backyard cold fusion nuclear reactor. He innovated an EMP-Tricopter drone to disarm radar system through electromagnetic pulses. Gurudev is an author of research entitled “Theory of constant light speed” published in the International Journal of Science & Technolodge that describes why does the light travels at a constant speed.
Sumitacharya Ji Maharaj grew an innovator
Shri Sumitacharya Ji Maharaj is an innovator who hails from Jharkhand and Bihar. He mastered his innovative skills in Bihar through experiments. From his childhood he carries a spark towards science, technology and theoretical physics. When he was a school boy studying in class 6th, his innovations and research enthusiasm and style of explaining things became a subject of prime attraction to people, local media, teachers and organisations.
Certainly he then was highly elated towards theoretical physics and astro-particle physics. For instance, he used to follow numerous books of MSc in secondary school and also wrote his first research paper. In which he proves the reason behind the constant light speed. Then he was a student of class 7th. This being his first research paper, he had problems with derivations back then.
However with some improvements the same paper successfully explained the reason of constant light speed. This was done with analytical geometry and dimensional regeneration after 4 year in 2015. Above all, the paper later gets published in journal called “The International Journal of Science and Technolodge” vol 3, issue 8, page 277.
Sumitacharya Ji Maharaj’s Early life as an innovator
For instance, when in grade 10th Shri Sumitacharya Ji Maharaj attracted media attention and attention of global scientists by making plasma at room temperature. He did so by designing engine prototype to combust hydrogen.
Secondly from junkyard scratch he designed an experimental setup having Van de Graff generator for high tension voltage discharge to treat an open and closed system Plasmalytic setup of Palladium core dipped into an electrolytic solution of heavy water (D2O) surrounded with Nickel electrode. However this experiment was a combined replica of the reactors designed by Andrea Rossi-Sergio Focardi in 1970s, Stanley Pons-Martin Fleischmann (1983 to 1989). Above all this work got followed with 43 more innovations that he accomplished in a very short period of time.
Shri Sumitacharya Ji Maharaj‘s Instagram Official Account: